Unfinished Business
6th of May 2018
Unfinished Business Rev. Christa Fuller Burns Faith Presbyterian Church Philippians 1:1-18 – May 6 2018 A letter from Christa, a servant of Jesus Christ, to all those in Baltimore, specifically those at Faith Church, who are God’s people. First of all, when Paul wrote a letter to his folk in Philippi, he addressed it to […]
Preaching to Chickens
29th of April 2018
Preaching to Chickens Rev. Christa Fuller Burns Faith Presbyterian Church Acts 17:22-31 – 29 April 2018 I am having a little debate with myself. It is not a particularly profound debate, like the debate I had when I decided to retire. No. I am debating whether to stay on Facebook! I am conflicted. On the […]