What should I expect when I visit?
When you join us for worship on a Sunday morning, you will notice the diversity and warmth of our congregation. We are not a stuffy place, and except at Christmas and Easter, you will see few neckties, hats, or suits. When we pass the peace, we are glad to see one another and to welcome visitors.
Worship begins at 10:45 a.m. and usually lasts an hour. With our regular schedule, we enjoy a coffee fellowship “hour” in the Jackson Lounge fifteen minutes before worship. And, during the summer, we follow our service with lemonade and cookies on the portico. Children are welcome in our worship service. At the front of the sanctuary, there is a Prayground for younger ones. There you will find books, coloring pages, children’s bulletin, and other quiet activities to keep small hands busy during worship.
The first Sunday in the month, we celebrate communion. We welcome all people of faith to the Lord’s Table.
You will receive a visitor bag from one of the greeters and a contact card that we hope you will complete so that we can thank you for worshiping with us and tell you more about Faith Church.