Faith Church is located in the northern part of Baltimore City and we are committed to what it means to be church in the city.
Faith is a Sanctuary Church, which means that we are committed to providing safety and support to undocumented persons in danger of being apprehended. We partner with St. Matthews Catholic Church to advocate for immigrants and their families; in addition, to witnessing on behalf of the victims of gun violence. We find ways to support our public schools and promote safety in our neighborhood.
Along with other Presbyterian Churches, Faith is involved in a nearby neighborhood at risk by providing a summer camp for its children, sponsoring a back-to-school drive, working on Habitat Houses etc. In the aftermath of the Freddie Gray uprising, Faith opened its doors to the youth in our neighborhood, providing a safe place to talk about their fears and concerns.
Along with the churches in our neighborhood, Faith participates in an annual health fair to provide information, free flu shots, resources, etc. for healthier life styles. Our block party, summer film series, summer camps, and concert series provide safe, often free opportunities for our neighborhood to be in community.