
We see service to the community and to the world as an essential part of the life of the church.  Our service commitments and mission activities range from local work with food pantries and Habitat projects to an international partnership with churches in Cuba.

Missions at home and abroad provide rewarding opportunities for Faith members to live Christ’s teachings, from our back door to the heart of our country and the world beyond our geographic boundaries.

Mission Opportunities

  • Blue Water Baltimore – Blue Water is committed to restoring the quality of Baltimore’s rivers, streams, and harbor to foster a healthy environment, a strong economy, and thriving communities.
  • Bread for the World – A collective Christian voice advocating for policies and programs to end hunger at home and abroad.
  • BUILD – Baltimoreans United In Leadership Development — has worked to improve housing, increase job opportunities, and rebuild schools and neighborhoods in Baltimore.
  • Cuba Partnership – Faith is one of several Baltimore area Presbyterian churches that partner with local churches in Cuba. This international dimension to our mission work provides a rewarding opportunity for Faith members to be involved in people to people outreach and Christian dialogue.
  • GEDCO – This economic development organization is dedicated to building caring and compassionate communities and sponsors also these programs
    • CARES (Civic and Religious Emergency Services)- A food pantry stocked with regular contributions from our congregation and others
    • Harford House – Faith sponsors Lasagna Bingo Nights and an annual Thanksgiving Dinner at this residential facility for formerly homeless men.
  • Habitat for Humanity/Chesapeake – Faith volunteers have helped to construct ten homes in the near-by McCabe neighborhood and more are planned.
  • Heifer InternationalHeifer is a charity organization working to end hunger and poverty around the world by providing livestock and training to struggling communities.
  • Meals-On-Wheels – Faith hosts a meals distribution center for this program, our members volunteer  to deliver the meals and a warm greeting to those who depend on this service.

Come, serve with us. If you would like to participate in any of Faith Presbyterian Church’s Mission Opportunities, please let us know.